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Getting Started

scan is distributed as both a container image and as an AppImage executable. It is therefore easy to install, setup in the CI or locally, and then to run it.

Scanning the Application Locally



Scan works quite well with podman in both root and rootless mode on both Linux and on Windows with WSL2.

Your first scan

Invoking the scan command detects the language automatically and proceeds with a scan.
Easy one-liner command for some casual testing (Assuming this is fine for you)

sh <(curl

If you do not prefer such one-liners, use docker run command as shown below:
docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan

For project types such as Java, go compile the projects prior to scanning. Or pass --build to attempt automatic build.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan --build

For scanning a specific language project, use the --type option. For example, for scanning a python project,

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan --src /app --type python

For arm64 based CPU such as the Apple M1 CPU use the :arm tag.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan:arm scan

Follow these instructions to run scan on Windows with WSL2 and podman.

podman run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan

On Windows use %cd% instead of \$PWD to run the scan with Command prompt

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=%cd%" -v "%cd%:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan --src /app --type python

powershell and powershell core

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=$(pwd)" -e "GITHUB_TOKEN=$env:GITHUB_TOKEN" -v "$(pwd):/app" shiftleft/scan scan

WSL bash

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -e "GITHUB_TOKEN=${GITHUB_TOKEN}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan


docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -e "GITHUB_TOKEN=${GITHUB_TOKEN}" -v "/$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan

Don't forget the slash (/) before \$PWD for git-bash!

To scan multiple projects, separate the types with a comma. Here reports will be put in the directory specified by --out_dir

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v $PWD:/app shiftleft/sast-scan scan --src /app --type credscan,nodejs,python,yaml --out_dir /app/reports


Scan container image can be referred to as either shiftleft/sast-scan or shiftleft/scan.

Scanning Java Projects

For Java and JVM projects, it is important to compile the projects before invoking sast-scan in the dev and CI workflow.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v <source path>:/app shiftleft/sast-scan scan --src /app --type java

Java Scan

Language specific scans

sh <(curl
Or if you prefer direct docker run command.
docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type credscan

sh <(curl
Or if you prefer direct docker run command.
docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type python

To perform dependency scanning, create a personal access token with read:packages scope from settings -> developer settings on github. Reports Set this value as an environment variable called GITHUB_TOKEN and pass this value as shown.

sh <(curl
Or if you prefer direct docker run command.
docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -e GITHUB_TOKEN -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type depscan


GITHUB_TOKEN is required even if you are planning to use scan with GitLab, Bitbucket and other providers. Dependency and license lookup for open-source packages is heavily traffic shaped by GitHub themselves and hence would not work without this token.

To perform license compliance checks, use the environment variable FETCH_LICENSE.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -e GITHUB_TOKEN -e "FETCH_LICENSE=true" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type depscan

OSS risk audit along with dependency confusion checks is now supported for npm and pypi packages. To enable this, use the environment variables ENABLE_OSS_RISK and PKG_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE as shown.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -e "ENABLE_OSS_RISK=true" -e "PKG_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE=your org namespaces" -e GITHUB_TOKEN -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type depscan

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -e "ENABLE_OSS_RISK=true" -e "PKG_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE=appthreat,shiftleft" -e GITHUB_TOKEN -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type depscan

Specify nodejs as the type.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type nodejs

To include dependency scanning in addition to security audits include depscan as shown.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type nodejs,depscan

Specify go as the type. To enable automatic build pass --build as a parameter.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type go --build

Scan supports Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) scans for Kubernetes, Terraform and AWS cloudformation.


docker run --rm -e -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type kubernetes


docker run --rm -e -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type terraform


docker run --rm -e -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/scan scan --src /app --type aws

If using AWS CDK, export the project as cloudformation prior to scanning.

Composer based projects are supported quite well by scan. For legacy projects, scan would attempt to create a composer.json file on-the-fly. Specify php as the type. To enable automatic build pass --build as a parameter.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan --src /app --type php --build

To include dependency scanning in addition to security audits include depscan as shown.

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v "$PWD:/app" shiftleft/sast-scan scan --src /app --type php,depscan --build

Scanning container images is now possible with slscan. The recommended approach is to export the container image using docker or podman save command first followed by an invocation of scan with the .tar file.

Example: To scan an image called shiftleft/scan-slim:latest first pull and save the image. Then invoke scan with the tar file.

docker pull shiftleft/scan-slim:latest
docker save -o scanslim.tar shiftleft/scan-slim:latest
# podman save --format oci-archive -o scanslim.tar shiftleft/scan-slim:latest
docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -v $PWD:/app shiftleft/scan scan --src /app/scanslim.tar -o /app/reports --type docker

To enable, license and OSS risk audit, set the environment variables FETCH_LICENSE and ENABLE_OSS_RISK

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=${PWD}" -e "FETCH_LICENSE=true" -e "ENABLE_OSS_RISK=true" -v $PWD:/app shiftleft/scan scan --src /app/scanslim.tar -o /app/reports --type docker

Alternatively, it is possible to let scan pull the container image before analysis. However, it requires exposing your docker or podman daemon socket which is insecure and therefore not recommended. You can try it if you are feeling adventurous by passing the below parameters to the docker run command.

-e "DOCKER_HOST=unix:/var/run/docker.sock:" -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"

Example: To scan the container image shiftleft/scan-slim:

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=$(pwd)" -e "DOCKER_HOST=unix:/var/run/docker.sock:" \
    -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
    -v "$(pwd):/app" shiftleft/scan scan -t docker -i shiftleft/scan-slim

Example: To scan the container image redmine@sha256:a5c5f8a64a0d9a436a0a6941bc3fb156be0c89996add834fe33b66ebeed2439e:

docker run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=$(pwd)" -e "DOCKER_HOST=unix:/var/run/docker.sock:" \
    -v "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" \
    -v "$(pwd):/app" shiftleft/scan scan -t docker -i redmine@sha256:a5c5f8a64a0d9a436a0a6941bc3fb156be0c89996add834fe33b66ebeed2439e

Same example with podman

podman run --rm -e "WORKSPACE=$(pwd)" -e "DOCKER_HOST=unix:/run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock:" \
    -v "/run/user/1000:/run/user/1000" \
    -v "$(pwd):/app" shiftleft/scan scan -t docker -i redmine@sha256:a5c5f8a64a0d9a436a0a6941bc3fb156be0c89996add834fe33b66ebeed2439e

Refer to the readme for a complete list of all scan types.

Scanning using AppImage on Linux

Scan is also distributed in AppImage format which is supported by major Linux distributions. To reduce the size, AppImage does not include Java Runtime (JRE) as well as tools such as Apache Maven and Gradle. All other features of scan are available and should work without any limitations.

Easy installation

sh <(curl

Manual installation

  • Download scan AppImage from GitHub releases
  • Enable execute permission

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/scan
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/scan
- Use from the terminal

scan -t nodejs

Command-line arguments

usage: scan [-h] [-i SRC_DIR] [-o REPORTS_DIR] [-t SCAN_TYPE] [-c] [--build]
            [--no-error] [-m SCAN_MODE]

Wrapper for various static analysis tools

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i SRC_DIR, --src SRC_DIR
                        Source directory
                        Reports directory
  -t SCAN_TYPE, --type SCAN_TYPE
                        Override project type if auto-detection is incorrect.
                        Comma separated values for multiple types. Eg:
  -c, --convert         Convert results to sarif json format
  --build               Attempt to automatically build the project for
                        supported types
  --no-error            Continue on error to prevent build from breaking
  -m SCAN_MODE, --mode SCAN_MODE
                        Scan mode to use ci, ide, pr, release, deploy

All the arguments are optional for scan.

Environment variables

Scan use a number of environment variables for configuration and cutomizing the default behaviour.

Variable Purpose
WORKSPACE URL or the path to use for all references to the source code. Use blank to use relative path or in case of GitHub code scanning
SCAN_ID Custom id to use for the scan run. Set this to match your CI job id or any other id to simplify integration
SCAN_AUTO_BUILD Enables automatic build using the bundled languages and runtime prior to scan. Supported languages are: java, kotlin, go, node.js, csharp, rust, php
SCAN_ANNOTATE_PR Set to true or 1 to enable automatic PR annotation. Defaults to true in case of GitHub actions.
SCAN_DEBUG_MODE Setting this to debug would show debug output from individual tools.
BITBUCKET_TOKEN Bitbucket app password with Pull Request: Read and Write scope to enable pull request summary comment. Use along with SCAN_ANNOTATE_PR
GITHUB_TOKEN GitHub personal access token with read:packages scope to enable package lookup during dependency and license scans
GITLAB_TOKEN GitLab personal access token with api scope to enable merge request summary comment. Use along with SCAN_ANNOTATE_PR
REPOSITORY_URL Repository URL. Useful in cases when scan is trigger from a non-git based source such as an s3 bucket
COMMIT_SHA Git commit hash. This is useful while scanning non-git based source
BRANCH Git branch name. Automatically detected for git repositories. Specify this while scanning a folder or svn repository
CREDSCAN_DEPTH Number of commits to audit for secrets leak. Default 2
CREDSCAN_TIMEOUT Timeout for credscan. Default 2m
DISABLE_TELEMETRY Set to false to enable telemetry. Set the telmetry url. Default value is true which disables telemetry.
TELEMETRY_URL Set this value to a URL that will receive the telemetry json from scan invocations. Refer to telemetry
VDB_HOME Directory to use for caching database. For docker based execution, this directory should get mounted as a volume from the host. Eg: -e "VDB_HOME=/db" -v "/tmp:/db"
NVD_START_YEAR Default: 2018. Supports upto 1999 but increasing the year would increase the time and memory usage by depscan and may not work in CI environments
GITHUB_PAGE_COUNT Default: 5. Supports upto 30
SKIP_INSIGHTS Set to true to skip insights rules which are usually security best-practices and not necessarily vulnerabilities (Python only)
WEB_ROUTE_ONLY Set to true to force scan to consider only web routes. Improves quality (Python only)
FETCH_LICENSE Set to true to fetch license details for OSS packages from public registries
ENABLE_OSS_RISK Set to true to enable OSS risk audit in depscan (npm only)
PKG_PRIVATE_NAMESPACE Comma separated list of private namespace to check for dependency confusion attacks during OSS risk audit. Use along with ENABLE_OSS_RISK variable


Scan is optimized for reducing false positives and errors. But due to the nature of static analysis and limitations of the opensource scanners, there are times when scan produce clear false positives. We have seen this happening for python (bandit), JavaScript (njsscan) and even Java (FindSecBugs).

To suppress finding on a specific line, simply add a comment with the scan:ignore marker:

Python example

Hash based comment is supported

# scan:ignore
Line of code producing false positive

JavaScript or Java example

Single and multi-line comment is supported

Line of code producing false positive // scan:ignore
Line of code producing false positive // scan:ignore or /* scan:ignore */ or // nosec

In addition to scan:ignore we support nolint, nosec and sl:ignore markers. Simply add any one of these as a comment.


The marker should be added next to the exact line reported by scan. We currently do not support method or file level ignore.


Sometimes, your team might be interested in setting a baseline against the master/main or release branch and track only the new additions introduced by feature or epic branches.

It is effortless to setup baselines with scan. Scan would automatically create a file called .sastscan.baseline after every analysis. This file is a simple of list of two types of fingerprints (or hashes)

  • Hash of the code snippet called scanPrimaryLocationHash
  • Hash of the source-sink tags called scanTagsHash (Python only)

These fingerprints can also be found in the results in the SARIF files under partialFingerprints section.

"partialFingerprints": {
    "scanPrimaryLocationHash": "f35827a889ebadc4",
    "scanTagsHash": "e037139a5cd2951e",
    "scanFileHash": "8aca4cdbb13ad2dc"

Simply commit this file to the root directory of your repo. Every subsequent scans would suppress all the findings in the baseline file thus reporting only the new findings.


Only SAST findings are supported in baseline. Support for depscan findings is coming shortly.

Use cases

Generate and commit the baseline file for your master/main branch scans. Subsequent feature branch scans would use only the new findings for breaking the builds. With GitHub action it might resemble this.

- name: Scan
  uses: ShiftLeftSecurity/scan-action@master
    WORKSPACE:${{ github.repository }}/blob/${{ github.sha }}
    GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
    output: reports

- name: Update scan baseline on main branch
  if: {{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' }}
  run: |
    cp reports/.sastscan.baseline .

    git config --global "scan+github-actions[bot]"
    git config --global "scan+github-actions[bot]"

    git add .sastscan.baseline
    git commit -m "Update scan baseline"
    git push

Store the baseline files for your release branches and use any json diff tool to identify the difference.

Last update: January 25, 2023